1. Vlad. says:

    If I buy software which costs more than $100, I should preliminary will familiarize with its general description. I should know the general principles of its work, its advantage in comparison with other similar products.

  2. Jorge Chavez says:

    I completely agree with the above comment.

    The sales copy is all hype, all “Just imagine how nice it will be…!” and no indication of why this is different or better than a standard cheap squeeze page!

  3. Frank Bauer says:

    Thank a lot for your feedback Vlad & Jorge.

    I agree that Justin’s sales copy could have been written a lot better and is missing important information to make an educated buying decision.

    EndlessOptin is a Squeezepage generator software that runs on your computer at home and that’s why it’s sold without a monthly fee.

    It comes with a video and audio tutorial and is aimed at people that don’t yet use the power of squeeze pages due to a lack in HTML knowledge.

    It makes creating squeeze pages easy even for people with zero HTML knowledge.

    In my opinion, it’s not for people that already know how to generate and use squeeze pages that will build your mailing lists.

    Here is a flash video that describes the software:

    Click Here For A Small Video On Slow Connections.

    Click Here For A Large Video On Fast Connections.

    Best regards,

    Frank Bauer

    PS: Watch out for the special offer when you leave the sales page without buying.

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