Frank Bauer's More4you Blogletter
Saturday, July 27 2024  

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More4you Blogletter
Ad Order Form

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 More4you Sponsor Ad:   
Quantity of ads:
Issues: Price:
- up to 8 lines of space in the article section email with up to 64 characters per line (including spaces):
US $27.00
US $21.00
US $15.00

The sponsor will have a best possible exposure... The ad will be located at the top of the More4you Blogletter article section email. There is only one position available per article section email. And there are no classified ads in the whole email!

Note: The sponsor of an article section email will be chosen on a first come, first serve bases.


 More4you Solo-Ad:   
your own solo-ad copy send to all More4you Blogletter subscribers:
US $47.00


1. We guarantee that your cost per click will be 60 cents at a maximum. If your mailing gets you a higher cost per click, we will send it again to other lists we own in order to reduce your cost per click to 60 cents or below.

2. We will check your product or service. Only if it offers good value to our subscribers, we will accept your solo-ad order. If not, we will refund your order fully! If you like, you can contact us here first.

3. The last solo-ad was sent:

   Order & Payment   
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If you don't have a customer ID or registered email address and password simply leave these fields blank. You will get a new customer ID and password after this order is processed.

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Note: You will be able to enter your ad copy on the next page.

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 • Frank Bauer • P.O. Box 290 • Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768 • Australia • Voice: +61-2-8005-8475 • 

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