1. normz2 says:

    Data analysis is important. My biggest problem is time. There is never enough of it.

  2. Terry Jett says:

    I have to admit this is one area that I do not spend enough time on and is one of the most important aspects of successful internet marketing.

    Thanks for sharing the importance in a fun way Frank. Very good idea:)


  3. Ed says:

    Thanks for sharing this insteresting cartoon script.

    Interesting concept..!


  4. Sampson says:

    I like the cartooning of IM Data Analysis. But like the other visitors have said time just seems not be there to do all that.

    It there a reliable software that can help out?


  5. vijaya says:

    Education tru cartoons nice idea.

  6. Frank Bauer says:

    Lack of time can not only be an issue when we first start online and still have a J.O.B. … but also once we do this full time and our online business grows past what a single person can handle…

    While just start out and can’t yet afford to hire a part or full-time help at $300-$600 per month, patience is the only solution.

    But once we can afford that expese… it will be the most liberating move you will have ever made.

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