Frank Bauer's More4you Blogletter
Monday, March 10 2025  

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More4you Survey

Thank you for taking a few minutes to answer the More4you survey. The results will be published next month in the More4you Blogletter.

The results of this survey will help webmasters and entrepreneurs to see more ways to advertise their web-sites and e-businesses. All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Thank you again for your time. It is very much appreciated.

BTW: Everybody that answers the survey questions will also be entered in our monthly and annual giveaway...

Question / Answer:
1. What is the best way to learn to write ad copy, your web pages and articles? To write in general. That is my biggest challenge.

(Question submitted by: Aila Noake)
2. Of all the internet marketing techniques (newsletters, affiliates, blogs, upsells on your shopping cart, etc.), which single one has provided the biggest boost to your business?

(Question submitted by: Doug Lipman)
What other comments or questions do you have? Or what is the biggest question you have in regard to marketing or building your business online, as you see it right now? Here you can also mention the URL to a contact form of yours... if you like.
Are you a subscriber of the More4you Blogletter? * Yes No Don't know
Please enter your full name: *
Please enter your email address: *
Should your email address be mentioned in the blogletter so subscribers can ask you further questions? * Yes No
Enter the characters you see in the image:

NOTE: By answering this survey you will also become a subscriber of the More4you Blogletter. You can opt-out being a subscriber at any time.The email address collected below will never be rented, traded, or sold to any other third party.

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